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The 5 Don'ts of Natural Deodorant

If you're going to do it, do it right!

Natural deodorants are different. Well, you sure hope so anyway... otherwise, what's the point? But what many people don't consider is that a different product requires a different approach. Doing the same things you did with conventional deodorant might not work with natural deodorant. So before you start lathering up your pits with natural deodorant, make sure to avoid a few things first.

1. Don't apply it like ordinary deodorant

Natural deodorant is made of natural ingredients that retain their natural properties. Think of coconut oil, for example. At room temperature (unless you live somewhere very hot!), coconut oil is solid, but as it warms up and approaches 76°F, the oil begins to melt. The same thing happens with natural deodorant. In order to keep the stick from melting while its being stored, it has a harder consistency than conventional deodorants (which use synthetic ingredients to create the texture that you are accustomed to). That means you first need to allow the deodorant to warm up to your body temperature by holding it against your armpits for just a few seconds.

2. Don't use too much

When formulated properly, natural deodorant is effective! I.e. a little bit goes a long way. So don't load it up like you might with other deodorants. Just a small amount will keep you odor-free all day. Keep in mind, if you continuously over-apply, you'll be more likely to experience irritation. Stick with a few slow, gentle swipes and you should be just fine!

3. Don't put it on after you shave

Shaving irritates your skin. Even if you don't notice it, those razors cause microscopic cuts on your armpit and putting on a deodorant right after is not a good idea. The deodorant can further irritate your opened skin and cause unwanted redness and irritation. We recommend that you wait 15 minutes before putting on your deodorant.

4. Don't give up too quickly

Your armpits may need some time to adjust (we explain why in our First Time User's Guide). This is sometimes referred to as a "detox" or a transition period. Not everybody goes through this stage, but if you do, don't sweat it! Or do sweat it because you might be a little sweatier (and/or smellier) than normal... It's not uncommon to have some armpit irritation during this initial period. But please know that these symptoms are usually temporary and don't happen to everyone! It really just comes down to your unique biochemistry. If you do have irritation due to your armpits adjusting, the symptoms will typically pass within a week or two. So give it a chance, even if you have some discomfort up front. You'll be thankful in the long run! (Please note that if the redness, irritation, and/or itching is severe or is persistent for more than 2-3 weeks, you should stop using it and find a sensitive deodorant that's better for you!)

5. Don't keep using your old deodorant

You'll never know if it's working or not if you keep switching back and forth between your new deodorant and your previous one. And like we said earlier, your armpits need some time to transition. If you don't consistently use the natural deodorant, you'll keep confusing your armpits (more so the bacteria on your armpits) and they won't be able to make the necessary adjustments.


Is this your first time using all natural deodorant? If so, we've got a few tips for you! Read through our First Time User's Guide to get started on the right foot.

Want to know how to pick the best deodorant for you? Read our 4 Steps to Choosing a Natural Deodorant.


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