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May 2020: Plastic World

A world that's just a little too familiar...

Welcome to Plastic World! The most wonderful place to ever be found! Here you won't find anything that isn't plastic. Come, let me show you around...

As you can see, we’ve got plastic cars, plastic streets, plastic stairs, plastic seats. We’ve got plastic keys, plastic phones, plastic doors, plastic homes. Plastic is really all that we know. There isn’t anything else but plastic to show. So, come take a look at all the plastic and see that Plastic World is the place to be!

Now, here’s an example of a Plastic House, big enough for all your kids and even your spouse. You’ll get to fall asleep on a plastic bed with plastic pillows to lay your head. Your plastic clothes are kept in plastic drawers. And you can walk along on your plastic floors.

The bathroom has a nice plastic sink and a plastic shower to sit and think. The toilet is plastic and the paper too, all your friends will be jealous of you!

Over in the kitchen, you’ll see plasticware, plastic plates and cups you all can share. On one side is a plastic oven to bake your cookies by the dozen. On the other is a plastic fridge, so fancy you’ll feel extra rich.

The dining room table is as plastic as it gets, which is important because it’s where everyone sits. On the walls you'll see the plastic art, plastic enough to melt your heart. And the chairs are made of plastic wood. If you don't have any, you really should!

Let’s not forget my favorite place: the living room with lots of space. It's got plastic plants you don't have to water and a plastic swing for your newborn daughter. With a plastic couch and plastic television, really this is an easy decision.

But if you aren’t sold yet, step outside real quick. The plastic yard will make it click. It has plastic trees and plastic grass, a luxury that you just can’t pass. All the neighbors have plastic houses too, so you can sit outside and enjoy the view.

Well, what do you say? Plastic World can be yours today! With these plastic keys you can move right in. Just sign here and your plastic life will begin!


These next few months we will be focusing on our world’s obsession with plastic usage and take a look at ways that we can all be more sustainable. We encourage you to participate in this journey with us. As a company, we are removing plastic from all of our products with our Go Green Initiative, but there are also several ways to improve our personal habits and reduce the amount of waste that we produce, specifically when it comes to plastic. Join us in being more sustainable in all aspects of our lives. We deserve better. Earth deserves better. And our future deserves better!


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