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January 2020: What's the Point?

Welcome friend! Come on in! Thanks for taking the time to read our very first blog. If you don’t mind, let me explain a bit about myself and the purpose behind this blog.

In many ways, I’m still that two-and-a-half-year-old that never stops asking why. That simple, yet terribly irritating question: why? Why is the sky blue? Why do we have five fingers on each hand instead of six? Why did my mom tell me to make my bed every day? You know, the questions we all ask. Questions are great. We learn from them. The problem is that I have a lot of trouble stopping them. One question leads to the next, which leads to the next, which leads to the next. It’s frustrating. It never ends… Still, I’m thankful that I keep asking them.

I believe that there is a child in each of us that longs to know why. We don’t want to blindly accept everything that we hear. We want to discover the truth for ourselves. And questions are where we begin. Questions challenge what we think we know, they confront our preconceived ideas, and they show us our gaps in knowledge. Through questions, we realize that we aren’t as smart as we thought we were and there are a whole lot of questions that we didn’t know we had.


My goal with this blog is to ask questions that do just what they are supposed to. Ones that force us to rethink our habits and routines and challenge us to defend our behaviors and beliefs. Most of them are health-related questions that have bothered me for some time. I intend to work my way through them, trying to make reason of why I do what I do and why I think the way that I think. My goal is not to answer these questions for you. In fact, many times, you will be left with more questions than answers. And you should! Because we want to encourage each of you to think for yourselves. We challenge you to put aside what you’ve been taught your whole life and have grown up “knowing” and take the time to ask questions that you may have rendered unnecessary. We may not all come to the same conclusion and that’s okay! The goal is not to conform to one way of thinking, but to create our own questions that lead us on our own journeys.

Hopefully, this blog will be a spark that ignites a new way of thinking inside of you. Perhaps, the questions that we ask ourselves will lead us to a greater understanding of one another and a more conscientious way of living. Perhaps, it will be the spark that you need to discover, explore, or attempt something that you had never considered before. Regardless of how exactly you respond, I do hope that the questions we create will change you in some way.


So, I want to invite you to join me into a slightly annoying (clears throat), I mean, very-persistent community that keeps asking why. Thank you to those of you who not only take the time to read these words, but also accept the challenge of asking questions. Please, if you feel led, feel free to comment on the posts, themselves, or through social media. Letting others see your thoughts and ideas will help all of us ask better questions. Therefore, we encourage you to not only share what you read, but also what you have to say. Thanks to each of you and happy questioning!




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