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Welcome to Paleo Products!  I'm Peyton, the founder and owner of our small business.  Although we have only been in business since 2017, our ideas and products have been a long time in the making.


My interest in natural health was sparked the summer after I graduated high school when I began the Paleo diet.  It made sense to me that our food should come from whole, natural sources; simple things that aren’t refined or chemically processed.  But it also made me question why we weren’t concerned with the other things we were putting into and onto our bodies.  What about the products that we use to brush our teeth and soften our skin and wash our hair?  Are they any good for us?



Well it only took a little bit of research and the answer was obvious.  Quickly, I switched my focus from what we shouldn’t be using to what we should be using.  I began to look at what people had been using for centuries, even thousands of years.  I realized that whatever was meant for us to use had already been created.  We didn’t have to change nature to make it effective, we just had to figure out how to use it correctly.  So I eliminated any ingredients that were extracted with harmful techniques or refined with the use of chemicals and began experimenting with what was left.


My very first project was a deodorant made of just 2 ingredients: coconut oil and baking soda.  As remedial as it was, the natural odor-eliminating properties of these ingredients worked like nothing I’d ever tried before.  Immediately I was hooked!


Over the next 4 years, I was given the chance to take the principles and time-tested practices that I had researched and combine them with current medical knowledge.  As a pre-med student, I studied molecular biology and biochemistry, courses that taught me how our bodies were designed to function.  And the more I learned, the more I realized how the cosmetics & personal care industry, just like the pharmaceutical industry, was designed to temporarily eliminate our symptoms.


Rather than hydrating our skin, lotions are made to make our skin feel smooth until they dry us out even worse than before.  Soaps are made with detergents to make us feel squeaky clean, but also remove our natural oil layer and destroy the outer environment of our skin.  Deodorants are made to mask our odors, rather than eliminate them.  Antiperspirants clog our pores, rather than allow our armpits to sweat like they are designed to do.


I realized that these products were all short-term solutions that don’t address the core issues that lie beneath.  So, from that point on, I made it my mission to do something different.  I decided to educate others on what I had learned and, at the same time,  create all-natural products that were even more effective than their commercial counterparts.  After 6 years of development, designing products with honesty and integrity, these goals are now being realized.  And I can tell you with confidence that it was well worth the wait.


And as we continue to develop more products, these principles will never change.  From the start, our small business has been fueled by a God-given desire to use His creation as He intended and we will continue to inspire others to do the same.  Our hope is that the passion that we carry for holistic and natural health will spread to those around us, creating a community of people who care deeply for themselves and for others and who take care of the only Earth that we were given.  Thank you for being part of this journey with us!

Our Mission
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Simply put: To create the best products for you and for Earth.


But it's a little more complicated than that...



That’s our commitment! One product purchased equals one tree planted. Thanks for helping us reduce our carbon footprint and make this Earth a little greener.



Our ingredients come from Earth, not a lab. No “naturally-derived” nonsense, just the real thing! That means better ingredients for your body and a better impact on Earth.



Free from plastic, our products come in sustainable containers with biodegradable labels and wrapped in Earth-friendly packaging.

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