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New to natural deodorant? No problem! We have everything you need to know here in our first-timers' guide. Here are some things to know before you start:

First things first. Let's talk about detoxing.


You may have heard the term "armpit detox" before. This is one way that people describe what happens when you switch from using a conventional deodorant or antiperspirant to a natural deodorant. The problem is that this term is a bit misleading... there really isn't much "detoxing" happening.


We prefer to describe this, instead, as a transition period or adjustment period. Our bodies are resistant to change and are always working to maintain homeostasis (equilibrium). Usually this is a good thing because it helps protect us from danger, like invading pathogens. But it also means that introducing new products or lifestyle changes can be a bit more challenging.


Think of it this way. Have you ever tried starting a new exercise program? At first, it was hard. You body wasn't used to all of the strenuous activity. In fact, it was quite comfortable with your less active lifestyle. And even though it was a change for the better, you probably experienced some unwanted symptoms (extra tiredness, extra hunger, sore muscles) as your body adjusted to the changes. Only after your body was able to acclimate to the increased activity, were you finally able to feel comfortable with your new routine.


In the same way, your armpits have already established a comfortable environment based on what they are accustomed to. And a new deodorant is a threat to that environment (especially to those bacteria living there). So just like your new workout program, you may experience some unwanted symptoms as your body makes the transition. But after your body has adjusted, you'll be happy you stuck it out!




How do you pick the right deodorant for you?


Check out our 4 Steps to Choosing a Natural Deodorant before you decide which one you are going to buy. You want to make sure it's not only free of chemicals and "naturally-derived" ingredients, but that it's effective too!


Will you experience irritation?


When referring to a baking soda deodorant, they are, typically, three groups of people:


​1. Those who transition seamlessly without any irritation.


Luckily, for most of us, this happens to be the case. You make the switch without any issues. Easy. The reason as to why it's so simple for these individuals isn't certain, but we're sure those tiny bacteria friends play an important role (you can read how bacteria are responsible for creating body odor in our article, Why Do We Stink? The Science behind Body Odor).


2. Those who have symptoms during the adjustment period, but are completely symptom free after.


Another common occurrence, this is more likely to happen if you have been using conventional deodorants, especially antiperspirants for a long time before switching. As we described above, your armpits and the microorganisms living there have created a stable environment that is not made for natural deodorant. Making the necessary adjustments can take some time, so don't be surprised if you find yourself with smelly, stinky, and somewhat irritated armpits for a couple weeks. But don't lose hope. If you are one of these individuals, your armpits will be completely symptom free before long. And just like your exercise routine, the long-term results will be well worth the temporary discomfort.


3. Those who have irritation that does not go away.


If this happens to be you, you aren't alone. Many others have found that baking soda based deodorants are not right for them. The high pH of baking soda can irritate your more acidic armpits, sometimes without relenting. For these individuals, the baking soda is simply incompatible with their body chemistry and an adjustment isn't possible. But even if that's you, there'is still hope! Many natural deodorants contain little to no baking soda, like our sensitive deodorant, which drastically reduces the chances of irritation.



Is there anything that you can do to help prepare your armpits for the switch?


We do have a few recommendations when it comes to transitioning to natural deodorant. Although these are not fool-proof ways to avoid any and all irritation, they can make the adjustment a bit easier.


If possible, don't wear deodorant for a few days.


By doing this, you can help to "reset" the microbial environment of your armpits. Without any deodorant or other products, your armpits will be able to adjust to your normal body chemistry without the influence of chemicals or even natural ingredients. In this way, you be able to more accurately tell how the new deodorant works with your body chemistry and, potentially, speed up the transition period.


Make your own armpit paste.


Similar to a facial mask, this can help clear your skin and remove unwanted debris and chemicals from your armpits. Although many people market similar products as "detox" creams or pastes, there is little evidence to show that the clay is able to pull the toxins out of your skin. Still, we recommend giving this homemade version a try to help clear up and prepare your skin for the switch to natural deodorant:


Use 3 parts bentonite clay, 2 parts apple cider vinegar, and 1 part water to make an armpit paste (do not use a metal spoon or bowl to mix, as bentonite clay can react with the metal). Apply this paste to your armpit once a day for at least 5 minutes (no more than 15) and then rinse completely. Do this for one week. If you notice any skin irritation (burning, itchiness, bumps) with the paste, reduce the amount of time you leave it on your skin or discontinue using it altogether.


Make some other lifestyles changes.


Body odor is the result of odor-causing bacteria found mainly on the warm, moist parts of your body, like your armpits. As we explain in our article, Why Do We Stink? The Science behind Body Odor, the type of bacteria that lives there is dependent on a few factors, such as water intake, diet, stress, and even what you wear. Making some of these changes can help control your odor from the inside out.



How do you use natural deodorant?


With our deodorants and many other natural deodorants, a little bit goes a long way. The same techniques that you used with your old deodorant may not work well with a natural deodorant. For example, if your natural deodorant is a stick or bar, you will need to warm up the deodorant before applying it to your armpit. If you want to know some other tips and tricks, read our article, The 5 Don'ts of Natural Deodorant.


What should you do if you experience irritation during the first couple weeks of transitioning?


  1. Wait a day or two until you can apply the deodorant without causing serious irritation.

  2. The next time you apply the deodorant, use only a little bit! Let your body slowly acclimate to the new change.

  3. Use the deodorant every other day. Once again, this is a gradual process, so give your armpits some time to adjust.

  4. In the meantime, use a natural moisturizer or simply shea butter or coconut oil to reduce the dryness and itchiness that you may be experiencing.

  5. Using essential oils, like tea tree or lavender, diluted in a carrier oil can help restore the health of your skin and ease discomfort. But be sure that the oils are not concentrated and test a small area before applying it to your entire armpit!



Before you get started, read the rest of our FAQs to make sure that you are fully prepared!


Other questions? Comments? Preguntas? Email us at ¡Hablamos español!


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