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Are all of your products chemical-free?

Well, technically everything is made up of chemicals... But as far as those isolated chemicals that come from the lab: nope, none whatsoever. We use simple ingredients that have not been chemically altered from their natural form. We believe in using the ingredients just as they are, not as they are made in a lab. That means that we don't use any of that "naturally-derived" nonsense either. It's not just naturally-derived, it is natural!


Does Paleo Products use animal testing?

Never. Our company was built on a long period of trial-and-error, but never on animals, just on family and friends!









Will Paleo Products deodorant keep me from sweating?

No! We believe your pits deserve to be happy, healthy, and free! Treat them with respect!


Is it an antiperspirant?

No, we were all designed to sweat. In fact, sweating is a healthy process that allows us to remove (a small amount of) toxins and excess salts from our bodies. It also serves as an immune defense by killing those germs on the surface of our bodies that threaten to make us sick. All the more reason to get exercising!


Does it contain aluminum?

No. We make sure to avoid this pore-clogging ingredient. Here's why: aluminum prevents us from sweating by absorbing water and forming a gel over the surface of our pores. Because of this, your body is unable to release the sweat like it was meant to do. And if that doesn't sound bad enough, aluminum is a classified metalloestrogen, meaning that it is a metal that artificially induces high levels of estrogen production throughout your body. And messing with your hormones is not good news for your health.


Does it contain parabens?

No way! Parabens have been found in abnormal concentrations in the tissue of breast cancer patients. And we wouldn't ever add anything that is possibly linked to cancer!


Will I have an adverse reaction to Paleo Products deodorant?

Maybe. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is slightly alkaline (pH 8-9), which is why it is so good at killing bacteria. Unfortunately, this can be irritating to some individuals, whose skin is not used to the abnormally high pH (our acid mantle, the film that covers the surface of our skin, is usually closer to pH 5-6). Knowing this, we created Our Sensitive Deodorant that contains diatomaceous earth for individuals who may have more sensitive skin.


What should I do if my armpit turns red and becomes irritated?

First, stop using deodorant for a week or so until redness and irritation are gone. During that time, make a 50/50 solution of apple cider vinegar and water and apply to your pits twice daily. Another option is to cut a lemon in half and rub the juices onto your armpits twice a day. During this time, keep your pits hydrated with Our Body Butter or simply shea butter or coconut oil to ease the irritation. When irritation has ceased, slowly reintroduce Paleo Products deodorant by using it only every other day, while continuing the apple cider vinegar/lemon regimen. After a week, use the deodorant as you normally would. If irritation persists, check out our Our Sensitive Deodorant.


Will there be a detox period, in which I am actually smelling worse than before?

We've got this question covered in our First Time User's Guide.






Do I use tooth powder like regular toothpaste?

Yes and no. We still recommend brushing at least twice per day as you normally would. However, you can't exactly squirt it onto your toothbrush... For that reason, we have directions on each jar so that you know exactly how to use it (if you're curious, also see our How to Use section on the Our Tooth Powder page)! The powder will turn into a sort of runny paste in your mouth as you brush and you should spit and rinse as normal.


What does it taste like?

Our Tooth Powder tastes like fresh mint minus all the overwhelming sweetness. We add peppermint leaf and two types of mint essential oils, but no artificial or "natural" sweeteners. In fact, you may notice that Our Tooth Powder is just a tad bit salty due to the baking soda and sodium bentonite clay that we use. After you get used to it, we think you will like it a whole lot better!


How long does it last?

For one person brushing daily, Our Tooth Powder lasts 4-6 months depending on the amount you use. It can be stored for a few years without having to worry about it going bad. That is because all of our ingredients are dried and antimicrobial.


Does it contain fluoride?

Nope. Fluoride was initially used in pesticides and rat kill because of its effectiveness as a neurotoxin, a type of poison that attacks the brain and/or nervous system. Since that time, safer alternatives have been introduced, yet most toothpastes still contain this chemical. Fluoride is particularly harmful to children whose brains are still developing. It has been linked with lower IQ rates, thyroid and endocrine disruption, and ADHD. Although it is thought to help prevent cavities by changing the makeup of your tooth enamel, there are much better ways and much more natural ways, to protect your teeth without having to change your tooth chemistry. One of those ways is tooth remineralization.


What is remineralization?

Each day our teeth lose minerals, due to things such as acidic and sugary foods and bacteria. Typical toothpastes do not replace the minerals that we lose. In fact, many toothpastes contain glycerin, which can coat our teeth and prevent our teeth from absorbing the minerals that they need. On the contrary, Our Tooth Powder contains ingredients that are full of trace minerals that, when combined with saliva, can refortify our teeth.


What precautions do I need to take when using Paleo Products Tooth Powder?

Do not inhale the powder. As a dry powder, it may cause irritation if inhaled. The ingredients that we use are safe enough that removing yourself to fresh air should be enough to avoid any potential risks (if you experience any difficulty breathing, immediately seek medical care). Actually, as you can read below, our Tooth Powder is even safe enough for children when used properly.


Is Paleo Products tooth powder safe for children?

With proper supervision, yes! If you make sure the How to Use instructions are followed carefully, there are no contraindications to children using our tooth powder. As a matter of fact, our ingredients are safer than most toothpastes, especially those containing fluoride and other harmful chemicals.






What can I use Paleo Products Body Butter for?

Just about anything head to toe. Our Body Butter is designed to be versatile. It is gentle and soft enough for even the most sensitive areas. Our only caution is to avoid open areas of the skin (eyes, mouth, ears, open cuts/wounds, etc.).


Is it safe to use on cuts, scrapes, or burns?

Please avoid open wounds until they have closed and begun the healing process. Then, feel free to liberally apply the body butter to the scar/scab/bruise/burn/etc to help encourage cellular repair and healing.


Can I use it for oily skin?

You better believe it! The hydrating effects of Our Body Butter are not only good for dry skin, but oily skin as well. This is because proper hydration teaches the skin that it is already being moisturized, meaning that it doesn't have to keep secreting more oil to provide the true hydration that it is looking for.


What should I do if I start experiencing irritation when using Paleo Products Body Butter?

Stop use immediately. Even though, our formula is very gentle and good for sensitive skin, you may be allergic to one of the ingredients in our body butter.






Will Paleo Products Lip Balm melt in the car?

It might! Our Lip Balm is made with beeswax and is able to withstand moderately high temperatures. So in most cases, as long as you do not leave it in direct sunlight, it should be okay. But please note that we do not use any hydrogenated oils to stabilize our products. This means that the oils that we use are in their natural forms, so they won't have any extra stabilizing properties compared to their natural state. Always err on the side of caution and try to keep your lip balm stored under 77 F (25 C). If it does melt, simply allow it to re-solidify and use as normal. You may find that some small wax pellets have formed, but it shouldn't change the efficacy of the lip balm.


Does it contain sunscreen?

Not really. Both shea butter and coconut oil are thought to have an SPF around 5, but this is not enough to be used as a sunscreen for periods of extended sun exposure.


How is your lip balm flavored?

We ONLY use essentials oils for any of our scents/flavors. Our Original Lip Balm does not contain any essential oils and has a scent representative of the ingredients that we use.


**If this is your first time using a baking soda deodorant, please read Our First Time User's Guide!

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